The following table provides a brief description of the fields present in X‑Plane 10’s Data Set screen. Note that this list is current as of X‑Plane 10.30.

In this table, note that each group of data fields is labeled as it would be in the Data Input & Output window. For instance, to see the values of the “f-act” or “frame time” variables, you would consult the table and see that those variables are under the frame rate label. Simply check the frame rate box in the Data Input & Output to see those variables. Alternately, if you know you want frame
rate-related variables, you could consult the portion of the table under the frame rate heading to find out what data is available. Where the meaning of a label in the Data Input & Output window is not immediately obvious, a longer version of the label is given—for instance, “Simulator statistics (sim stats).”

Field label Descriptions of fields available in X‑Plane 10’s data output
Frame rate
f-act, /sec The actual frame rate being displayed by X-Plane. Unless your computer is bogged down, this will be the same as f-sim.
f-sim, /sec The frame rate the simulator is “pretending” to have in order to keep the flight model from failing.
frame, time The time required to render one frame, in seconds.
cpu, time
gpu, time
grnd, ratio
flit, ratio
real, time The number of seconds, in the real world, elapsed since the simulator was launched.
totl, time The number of seconds elapsed since the simulator was launched minus time spent in a loading screen.
missn, time The time since the start of the “mission” (generally the time since the last time an aircraft or location was loaded).
timer, time The time elapsed on a timer for general use.
zulu, time “Zulu” time (Greenwich Mean Time, or GMT) in the simulator, in decimal hours (e.g., 3.5 for 3:30 a.m.).
local, time Local time in the simulator, in decimal hours.
hobbs, time The aircraft’s Hobbs time (a measurement of how long the aircraft’s systems have been run).
Simulator statistics (sim stats)
explo, DIM
explo, USE
cratr, DIM
cratr, USE
puffs, TOT
puffs, VIS
tris, vis
q, depth
Vind, kias The craft’s indicated airspeed, in knots indicated airspeed.
Vind, keas The craft’s indicated airspeed, in knots equivalent airspeed (the calibrated airspeed corrected for adiabatic compressible flow at the craft’s current altitude).
Vtrue, ktas The craft’s true airspeed (the speed of the craft relative to undisturbed air), in knots true airspeed.
Vtrue, ktgs True airspeed, in knots true ground speed.
Vind, mph The craft’s indicated airspeed, in miles per hour.
Vtrue, mphas The craft’s true airspeed, in miles per hour airspeed.
Vtrue, mphgs The craft’s true airspeed, in miles per hour ground speed.
Aircraft Mach speeds, vertical velocity, and g-loads (mach, VVI, G-load)
Mach, ratio The aircraft’s current speed, as a ratio to Mach 1.
VVI, fpm The aircraft’s current vertical velocity, in feet per minute. If everything is working as it should, this is normal to the local horizon under the aircraft.
Gload, norml The g-load across the aircraft, relative to the aircraft body-axis, if all is working as it should.
Gload, axial The axial g-load on the aircraft.
Gload, side The side g-load on the aircraft.
Atmosphere: weather
SLprs, inHG SLprs, in inches mercury.
SLtmp, degC SLtmp, in degrees Celsius.
wind, speed The wind speed around the aircraft, in knots.
wind, dir The wind direction, in degrees clockwise deviation from north. Wind blowing from north to south has direction 0.0, while wind blowing from west to east has direction 270.0.
trb, locl Amount of local turbulence.
prec, locl Amount of local precipitation.
hail, locl Amount of local hail.
Atmosphere: aircraft
AMprs, inHG AMprs, in inches mercury.
AMtmp, degC AMtmp, in degrees Celsius.
LEtmp, degC LEtmp, in degrees Celsius.
dens, ratio The aircraft’s density ratio.
A, ktas A, in knots true airspeed.
Q, psf Q, dynamic pressure or velocity pressure, in pounds per square foot.
gravi, fts2 Gravitational force, in feet per second squared.
System pressures
baro, inHG Barometric pressure, in inches mercury.
edens, part
vacum, ratio
elec, ratio
AHRS, ratio Pressure in the attitude heading reference system (AHRS), as a ratio to normal.
Joystick aileron, elevator, and rudder input (joystick ail/elv/rud)
elev, yoke1 The user’s elevator input, as a ratio to full upward deflection. For instance, a value of –1.000 indicated the user is commanding the aircraft’s nose down as fast as possible.
ailrn, yoke1 The user’s aileron input, as a ratio to full rightward deflection. For instance, a value of –1.000 indicated the user is commanding the aircraft to roll left as fast as possible.
ruddr, yoke1 The user’s rudder input, as a ratio to full rightward deflection. For instance, a value of –1.000 indicated the user is commanding the aircraft to yaw left as fast as possible.
Other flight controls
vect, rqst The requested thrust vectoring.
sweep, rqst The requested wing sweep.
incid, rqst The requested wing incidence.
dihed, rqst The requested wing dihedral.
retra, rqst The requested wing retraction.
water, jetts Water jettisoned.
Artificial stability inputs for aileron, elevator, and rudder (art stab ail/elv/rud)
elev, astab The artificial stability system’s elevator input, as a ratio to full upward deflection.
ailrn, astab The artificial stability system’s aileron input, as a ratio to full rightward deflection.
ruddr, astab The artificial stability system’s aileron input, as a ratio to full rightward deflection.
Flight control deflections for aileron, elevator, and rudder (flight con ail/elv/rud)
elev, surf The proportion of the elevator deflected for upward pitch. If the elevators and flight inputs are in sync, this will match the combined yoke and artificial stability system input.
ailrn, surf The proportion of the aileron deflected for rightward roll. If the elevators and flight inputs are in sync, this will match the combined yoke and artificial stability system input.
ruddr, surf The proportion of the rudder deflected for rightward yaw. If the elevators and flight inputs are in sync, this will match the combined yoke and artificial stability system input.
nwhel, steer The nosewheel’s direction, in degrees of deviation from pointing straight ahead. For instance, a value of –31.000 indicated the wheel is pointed left 31 degrees.
Wing sweep and thrust vectoring (wing sweep/thrust vect)
sweep, 1, deg The craft’s wing sweep, in degrees back from normal.
sweep, 2, deg The craft’s wing sweep, in degrees back from normal.
sweep, h, deg The craft’s wing sweep, in degrees.
vect, ratio
sweep, ratio The craft’s wing sweep, as a ratio to fully forward.
incid, ratio The craft’s wing incidence, as a ratio to fully angled.
dihed, ratio The craft’s wing dihedral, as a ratio to fully angled.
retra, ratio The craft’s wing retraction, as a ratio to fully retracted.
Trim, flaps, slats, and speedbrakes (trim/flap/slat/s-brakes)
trim, elev Elevator trim.
trim, ailrn Aileron trim.
trim, ruddr Rudder trim.
flap, handl
flap, postn Flap position.
slat, ratio Slat position.
sbrak, handl
sbrak, postn Speedbrake position.
Landing gear and brakes (gear/brakes)
gear, 0/1 Gear extended status.
wbrak, part
lbrak, part Left toe brake depression.
rbrak, part Right toe brake depression.
Angular moments
L, ftlb Roll torque, in foot-pounds, about the long axis, which we call the z axis.
M, ftlb Pitch torque, in foot-pounds, about the lateral axis, which we call the x axis.
N, ftlb Yaw torque, in foot-pounds, about the vertical axis, which we call the y axis.
Q, rad/s Pitch rate, measured in body-axes (when all is working as it should).
P, rad/s Roll rate, measured in body-axes (when all is working as it should).
R, rad/s Yaw rate, measured in body-axes (when all is working as it should).
Pitch, roll, headings
pitch, deg The aircraft’s pitch, measured in body-axis Euler angles.
roll, deg The aircraft’s roll, measured in body-axis Euler angles.
hding, true The aircraft’s true heading, measured in body-axis Euler angles.
hding, mag The aircraft’s magnetic heading, in degrees.
Angle of attack, sideslip, and paths (AoA, side-slip, paths)
alpha, deg The aircraft’s angle of attack, in degrees.
beta, deg The aircraft’s angle of sideslip, in degrees.
hpath, deg
vpath, deg
slip, deg
Magnetic compass (mag compass)
mag, comp
mavar, deg
Latitude, longitude, and altitude (lat, lon, altitude)
lat, deg The aircraft’s latitudinal location, in degrees.
lon, deg The aircraft’s longitudinal location, in degrees.
alt, ftmsl The aircraft’s altitude, in feet above mean sea level.
alt, ftagl The aircraft’s altitude, in feet above ground level.
on, runwy
alt, ind
lat, south
lon, west
Location, velocity, and distance traveled (loc, vel, dist traveled)
X, m Relative to the inertial axes.
Y, m Relative to the inertial axes.
Z, m Relative to the inertial axes.
vX, m/s Relative to the inertial axes.
vY, m/s Relative to the inertial axes.
vZ, m/s Relative to the inertial axes.
dist, ft
dist, nm
Latitude for all aircraft (all planes: lat)
lat n, deg Aircraft n’s latitudinal location (zero if craft n does not exist).
Longitude for all aircraft (all planes: lon)
lon n, deg Aircraft n’s longitudinal location (zero if craft n does not exist).
Altitude for all aircraft (all planes: alt)
alt n, ftmsl Aircraft n’s altitude location (zero if craft n does not exist).
Commanded throttle (throttle command)
thron, part Aircraft n’s commanded throttle.
Actual throttle (throttle actual)
thron, part Aircraft n’s actual throttle.
Engine or propeller mode (feather-norm-beta-revers)
moden, 0123 Engine n’s current “mode,” where 0 corresponds to feathered, 1 corresponds to normal, 2 to beta, and 3 to reverse thrust.
Propeller setting (prop setting)
propn, set Aircraft n’s propeller setting.
Mixture setting
mixtn, ratio Aircraft n’s mixture setting.
Carburetor heat setting (carb heat setting)
heatn, ratio Aircraft n’s carburetor heat setting.
Cowl flap setting
cowln, set Aircraft n’s cowl flap setting.
Magneto settings
magnn, set Aircraft n’s magneto setting.
Starter timeout
starn, sec Aircraft n’s starter timeout.
Engine power
power, n, hp Engine n’s power, in horsepower.
Engine thrust
thrst, n, lb The thrust, in pounds, generated by engine n.
Engine torque
trq n, ftlb The torque, in foot-pounds, generated by engine n.
Engine RPM
rpm n, engin The current RPM of engine n.
Propeller RPM (prop RPM)
rpm n, prop The current RPM of propeller n.
Propeller pitch (prop pitch)
ptchn, deg The current pitch of propeller n.
Slipstream/propwash/jetwash (propwash/jetwash)
pwash, kt
N1 n, pcnt The current N1 for engine n.
N2 n, pcnt The current N2 for engine n.
Manifold pressure (MP)
MP n, inhg The current manifold pressure for engine n, in inches mercury.
Engine pressure ratio (EPR)
EPR n, part The current engine pressure ratio for engine n.
Fuel flow (FF)
FF n, lb/h The current fuel flow for engine n, in pounds per hour.
Interstage turbine temperature (ITT)
ITT n, deg The current interstage turbine temperature for engine n.
Exhaust gas temperature (EGT)
EGT n, deg The current exhaust gas temperature for engine n.
Cylinder head temperature (CHT)
CHT n, deg The current cylinder head temperature for engine n.
Oil pressure
OILPn, psi The current oil pressure for engine n, in pounds per square inch.
Oil temperature (Oil temp)
OILTn, deg The current oil temperature for engine n.
Fuel pressure
FUEPn, psi The current fuel pressure for engine n, in pounds per square inch.
Generator amperage
genrn, amp The current generator amperage for generator n.
Battery amperage
battn, amp The current batter amperage for battery n.
Battery voltage
battn, volt The current battery voltage for battery n.
Fuel pump on/off
pumpn, 0/1 Fuel pump n’s status.
Idle speed lo/hi
idlen 0/1 Engine n’s idle speed.
Battery on/off
battn, 0/1 Battery n’s status.
Generator on/off
genrn, 0/1 Generator n’s status.
Inverter on/off
invrn, 0/1 Inverter n’s status.
FADEC on/off
fadec, 0/1 The FADEC’s status.
Igniter on/off
ignin, 0/1 Igniter n’s status.
Fuel weights
fuel, n lb Fuel tank n’s weight, in pounds.
Payload weights and center of gravity (payload weights and CG)
empty, lb The aircraft’s empty weight, in pounds.
payld, lb The aircraft’s payload weight, in pounds.
fuel, totlb The total weight of the aircraft’s fuel, in pounds.
jetti, lb The aircraft’s jettisonable weight, in pounds.
curnt, lb The aircraft’s current weight, in pounds.
maxim, lb The aircraft’s maximum weight, in pounds.
cg, ftref The aircraft’s center of gravity, measured in feet behind the reference point.
Aerodynamic forces, in wind axes (aero forces)
lift, lb The lift acting on the aircraft, in pounds.
drag, lb The drag acting on the aircraft, in pounds.
side, lb The side forces acting on the aircraft, in pounds.
Engine forces
norml, lb
axial, lb
side, lb
Landing gear vertical force (landing gear vert force)
gear, lb
Landing gear deployment
gear, rat
Lift-to-drag ratio and coefficients (lift over drag coeffs)
L/D, ratio The aircraft’s lift-to-drag ratio.
cl, total
cd, total
L/D, *etaP
Propeller efficiency (prop efficiency)
Peffn, ratio Propeller n’s efficiency ratio.
Aileron deflections (defs: ailerons)
Lailn,n,deg The deflection of left aileron n, in degrees.
Railn, n, deg The deflection of right aileron n, in degrees.
Roll spoiler deflection (defs: roll spoilers)
Lsplr,n, deg The deflection of left spoiler n, in degrees.
Rsplr, n, deg The deflection of right spoiler n, in degrees.
Elevator deflections (defs: elevators)
elevn, deg The deflection of elevator n, in degrees.
Rudder deflection (defs: rudders)
rudrn, deg The deflection of rudder n, in degrees.
Yaw brake deflections (defs: yaw brakes)
Lyawb, deg The deflection of the left yaw brake, in degrees.
Ryawb, deg The deflection of the right yaw brake, in degrees.
Control forces
pitch, lb The pitch forces acting on the controls in the pilot’s hands.
roll, lb The roll forces acting on the controls in the pilot’s hands.
hdng, lb The heading forces acting on the controls in the pilot’s hands.
l-brk, lb The left brake forces acting on the controls at the pilot’s feet.
r-brk, lb The right brake forces acting on the controls at the pilot’s feet.
Total vertical thrust vectors (total vert thrust vects)
vertn, tvect
Total lateral thrust vectors (total lat thrust vects)
latrn, tvect
Pitch cyclic disc tilts
pitch, cycli
Roll cyclic disc tilts
roll, cycli
Pitch cyclic flapping
pitch, flap
Roll cyclic flapping
roll, flap
Ground effect (lift) from wings (grnd effect lift, wings)
wingn, L cl*
wingn, R cl*
Ground effect (drag) from wings (grnd effect drag, wings)
wingn, Lcdi*
wingn, Rcdi*
Ground effect (wash) from wings (grnd effect wash, wings)
wingn, wash*
Ground effect (lift) from stabilizers (grnd effect lift, stabs)
hstab, L cl*
hstab, R cl*
vstb1, cl*
Ground effect (drag) from stabilizers (grnd effect drag, stabs)
hstab, Lcdi*
hstab, Rcdi*
vstbn, cdi*
Ground effect (wash) from stabilizers (grnd effect wash, stabs)
hstab, wash*
vstbn, wash*
Ground effect (lift) from propellers (grnd effect lift, props)
propn, cl*
Ground effect (drag) from propellers (grnd effect drag, props)
propn, cdi*
Wing lift
wingn, lift The lift generated by wing n.
Wing drag
wingn, drag The drag generated by wing n.
Stabilizer lift (stab lift)
hstab, lift The lift generated by the horizontal stabilizer.
vstbn, lift The lift generated by the vertical stabilizer.
Stabilizer drag (stab drag)
hstab, drag The drag generated by the horizontal stabilizer.
vstbn, drag The drag generated by the vertical stabilizer.
COM 1/2 frequency
COM n, freq The current frequency of the COM n radio.
COM n, stby The standby frequency of the COM n radio.
COM, xmt The transmit status of the COM n.
NAV 1/2 frequency
NAV n, freq The current frequency of the NAV n radio.
NAV n, stby The standby frequency of the NAV n radio.
NAV n, type
NAV n, s-crs
NAV n, flag
NAV n deflections
NAV n, n-typ
NAV n, to-fr
NAV n, m-crs
NAV n, r-brg
NAV n, dme-d
NAV n, h-def
NAV n, v-def
ADF 1/2 status
ADF n, freq
ADF n, card
ADF n, r-brg
ADF n, n-typ
DME status
DME, nav01
DME, mode
DME, found
DME, dist
DME, speed
DME, time
DME, n-typ
DME–3, freq
GPS status
GPS, mode
GPS, index
dist, nm
OBS, mag
crs, mag
rel, brng
hdef, dots
vdef, dots
Transponder status (XPNDR status)
trans, mode
trans, sett
trans, ID
trans, inter
Marker status
OM, morse Signal from outer marker (OM)
MM, morse Signal from middle marker (MM)
IM, morse Signal from inner marker (IM)
audio, activ
Switches 1: electrical
avio, 0/1 The status of the AVIO switch.
nav, lite The status of the navigation light switch.
beacn, lite The status of the beacon switch.
strob, lite The status of the strobe light switch.
land, lite The status of the landing light switch.
taxi, lite The status of the taxi light switch.
Switches 2: EFIS
ECAM, mode The ECAM mode.
EFIS, sel n
HSI, sel n
HSI, arc
map, r-sel
map, range
Switches 3: Autopilot, flight director, and head-up display (switches 3: AP/f-dir/HUD)
ap, src
fdir, mode
fdir, ptch
fdir, roll
HUD, power
HUD, brite
Switches 4: anti-ice
deice, all
deice, inlet
deice, prop
deice, windo
deice-n, pitot
deice, AOA
deice, wing
Switches 5: anti-ice/fuel
alt, airn
auto, ignit
manul, ignit
l-eng, tank
r-eng, tank
Switches 6: clutch and artificial stability (switches 6: clutch/astab)
prero, engag
clutc, ratio
art, ptch
art, roll
yaw, damp
auto, brake
Switches 7: miscellaneous (switches 7: misc)
tot, energ
radal, feet
prop, sync
fethr, mode
puffr, power
water, scoop
arrst, hook
chute, deply
Annunciators: general
mast, cau
mast, war
mast, accp
auto, disco
low, vacum
low, volt
fuel, quant
hyd, press
Annunciators: general
yawda, on
sbrk, on
GPWS, warn
ice, warn
pitot, off
cabin, althi
afthr, arm
ospd, time
Annunciators: engine
fuel, press
oil, press
oil, temp
inver, warn
gener, warn
chip, detec
engin, fire
ignit, 0/1
Armed autopilot functions (autopilot arms)
nav, arm
alt, arm
app, arm
vnav, enab
vnav, arm
vnav, time
gp, enabl
app, typ
Autopilot modes
auto, throt
mode, hding
mode, alt
bac, 0/1
sync, butn
Autopilot values
set, speed The desired speed setting for the autopilot.
set, hding The desired heading setting for the autopilot.
set, vvi The desired vertical velocity setting for the autopilot.
dial, alt
vnav, alt
use, alt
sync, roll
sync, pitch
Weapon status
hdng, delta
pitch, delta
R, d/sec
Q, d/sec
rudd, ratio
elev, ratio
V, kts
dis, ft
Pressurization status
alt, set
vvi, set
alt, act
vvi, act
test, time
diff, psi
dump, all
bleed, src
Auxiliary power unit and ground power unit status (APU/GPU status)
APU, eqipd
APU, swtch
APU, runng
APU, genrt
GPU, power
Radar status
targ, selct The status of the target selection.
Hydraulic status
hydr, pumpn The status of hydraulic pump n.
hydr, qtyn The hydraulic fluid in pump n.
hydr, presn The pressure of hydraulic pump n.
Electrical and solar power status (elec & solar status)
busn, amp Bus n’s amperage.
busn, volt Bus n’s voltage.
engin, in W
solar, out W
batt, w-hr
Cross, tie
Icing status 1
inlet, ice
prop, ice
pitot, ice
statc, ice
Icing status 2
aoa, ice
lwing, ice
rwing, ice
windo, ice
Warning status
warn, time
caut, time
warn, work
caut, work
gear, work
gear, warn
stall, warn
VRS, ratio
Flight plan legs (flite-plan legs)
leg, #
leg, type
leg, lat
leg, lon
Hardware options
pedal, nobrk
pedal, wibrk
yoke, PFC
pedal, PFC
throt, PFC
cecon, PFC
switc, PFC
btogg, PFC
Camera location
camra, lon The camera’s longitudinal location.
camra, lat The camera’s latitudinal location.
camra, ele The camera’s elevation.
camra, hdg The camera’s heading.
camra, pitch The camera’s pitch.
camra, roll The camera’s roll.
camra, clou The camera’s cloud cover.
Ground location
cntr, X
cntr, Y
cntr, Z
slope, X
slope, Z
Climb statistics (climb stats)
h-spd, kt
v-spd, fpm
mult, VxVVI
Cruise statistics (cruise stats)
ff, pph
ff, gph
speed, mph
eta, smpg
eta, nm/lb
range, sm
endur, hours
mult, VxMPG

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