“I started building my Airbus inspired home cockpit a very long time ago. All parts are 100% home built, mostly hand cut from plywood with a jig saw. I did not buy any of the extremely expensive professional replicas nor did I have access to 3D-printing. The setup first became fully functional with X-Plane 10. I started to write my own plugin to emulate a lot of the
Airbus-specific behaviour and built the Airbus simulation around a simple freeware plane I got from the .org forums.

As time evolved, I purchased the Toliss A319 and adapted my setup to it and of course I run X-Plane 11 now. Because X-Plane and most of the addons for it are so open and transparant to the user (exposing Datarefs and Commands) X-Plane is the ideal base for a project like this. I can read and write all signal between X-Plane, the Toliss simulation and my hardware to generate the type if behaviour I want for my simulation. For a few years this setup has now proven a reliable platform for me to fly my Airbus flights around Europe – it does not take me longer to setup my home cockpit than to start X-Plane. With all the external controls it is possible to fly “mouse free” from take off to parking. I only use to mouse to go through the overhead flows and of course to setup X-Plane.”