Note: This page describes the installer for X-Plane 10. If you’re a new user of X-Plane, you probably want to install the latest version of X-Plane, X-Plane 11.
Note: This installer should not be used with the Steam version. Get Steam updates through Steam.
The tool available using the buttons below will allow you to:
- install X-Plane from your set of X-Plane 10 DVDs,
- install X-Plane with a digital download product key, or
- update your existing copy of X-Plane 10 to the latest version.
Other Platforms
Windows, macOS, & 32-bit Linux installers.
Updating X-Plane 10
We constantly come out with free updates with lots of improvements. People who own X-Plane DVDs or Digital Download can update X-Plane by opening the About menu in X-Plane and clicking “About X-Plane.” (Steam users should only update through Steam.) The simulator will check for new versions and prompt you to install them. For detailed instructions, see the Knowledge Base article Updating X-Plane.
You can also manually update X-Plane using the installer/updater found above. If you have already installed X-Plane, this installer will give you an option to update the sim to the latest version or add/remove scenery.
The Release Notes list the changes present in the latest beta version of X-Plane.
Installing the X-Plane 10 DVDs
If you have trouble installing X-Plane 10 from your DVDs, try using the installer above. To do so:
- Download the installer/updater appropriate to your platform above.
- Unzip & run the installer file that you downloaded.
- Insert the X-Plane Disc 1 DVD into your disc drive, or enter your digital download product key.
For detailed instructions, see the Quick Start Guide in the X-Plane Knowledge Base.